Monday, July 21, 2014

The Gold Nugget I Brought Back From California

I spent three days at a conference in Southern California learning about small groups.  For a few years now, I've been in a small group.  Actually, I’ve been in several.  I've been told continually that they are important, but could never quite put my finger on “why”.  Why are small groups so important? 

The conference was awesome and loaded with great information.  We learned a ton about how to create and sustain small groups, but maybe selfishly, maybe not, I kept coming back to the question of why I should be in a small group.  Sure, we get to hang out with friends, share interests, study the bible, etc. 

And then he said it. 

In one statement, Steve Gladen summed up why I, and everyone else for that matter, should be in a small group at their church.

“The Bible is built as a family system; therefore, small groups should be built on a family system.” - Steve Gladen

With that one statement, I knew why it was so important for me to be in a small group. 


We need our family. 

Chantel and I moved 900 miles away from our families and were all of a sudden all alone.  We needed a support system.  Whether it’s for physical support or emotional support, we all need people. 

Small groups allow you to create deep emotional connections with other people, and what that does is it gives confidence and encouragement to those that are struggling.  With a small group, you can give support and get support. 

Being as far away as we are from our family, Chantel and I found a new family.  Not to replace our family, but to enhance and expand the one we have. 

God designed us to be with each other.  If ­you don’t have a church, find one.  If you do have a church, join a small group.  If your church doesn't have a small group for you, start one.

We could go through this life alone, but I’d argue that having a support system surrounding you just might make it a little bit easier.

God said it’s not good for man to be alone.  Listen to God.  Follow His advice.  Join a small group.


  1. That is an awesome way at looking at it. I hadn't seen it from that perspective and I'm a small group leader. I'm going to use that.

    1. Go for it! I don't know what we would do without our small group; they are our family!
