Sunday, January 5, 2014

God DOES Have a Plan for You

Here’s something I’ve noticed about God over the past few months. 

When you pray for His will to be done in your life and you open yourself up to accept it, His will WILL be done in your life.  It’s probably not going to happen when or how you want it to and you may not even like it, but it will happen.  The strange thing, though, is that even if you don’t like it, once you realize and accept that it’s all part of God’s plan for you, a certain peace comes over you and you don’t just like it, you LOVE it!

I don’t know all of what God’s will for me is, but I’m ok with that because I know that no matter how I feel about what might be going on, I can rest assured that whatever it is, if it’s His will, it’s perfect.  I remember praying several times that God’s will be done in my life and my family’s life and being scared to death of what that actually meant.  I truly think that you can have fear and peace at the same time regarding the same matter.  I was in absolute fear of what God had (and has) in store for my family and for myself, but at the same time I had (and have) an overwhelming peace about it because I know and trust God. 

Looking back on the past few months, and even what’s going on now, I could have never imagined I would be where I am today.  Sure, it’s easy to say that I would have a good job, loving wife, beautiful kids, but there’s so much more than that.

Chantel and I chose, from the beginning, to follow God’s will.  Because of that we have more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control than we could have ever dreamed of had we not chosen to follow God and His will.  And that is something that can’t be measured.